
China’s Dilemma in the Russia-Ukraine War
With the war in Ukraine dragging on past its three-month mark, Fei Su and Jingdong Yuan answer some questions that the international community may have on China’s stance and approach to the ...

May and its Multiple Nuclear Resonances in Southern Asia
C Uday Bhaskar writes on how current South Asian nuclear dynamics add to the global strategic picture.

The Need for Diversity of Gender Perspectives on Matters of Security and Peace
Manpreet Sethi writes on the need for greater diversity in gender perspectives on matters of security and peace.

An Accidental Missile Launch and a Lesson for Indian Communications
Ruhee Neog provides three lessons on language, timeliness, and narrative control for Indian official communication.

Redesigning Security Architecture in a Post-invasion World
Commentary on the need for constructing a security architecture in Northeast Asia in this new era of ideological competition and great power confrontation.

Australian Anxiety over the Solomon Islands’ Security Deal with China
Dr. Jade Guan explores the Australian perspectives over the Solomon Islands’ security deal with China and proposes steps for the Australian government.

Implications of Russia’s war on Ukraine for North Korea’s nuclear program
John Carlson argues that the real lesson from Russia’s war on Ukraine for the DPRK should be the critical importance of diplomacy and engagement to resolve differences.

Armed Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: the Need for Stronger Export Controls
Lorenz Fernando argues why the international community must revisit arms and export control regimes to gauge their effectiveness.

South Korea’s Security and Foreign Policy after the War in Ukraine
The Russia-Ukraine war and challenges for the new South Korean government to strike a balance between regional powers that have taken opposing sides.

Not a brief pause, but a turning point
Łukasz Kulesa describes the consequences of the Russian aggression against Ukraine on disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control.