Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)
The WMD Project assesses the baseline status of and trends in vertical and horizontal proliferation of WMD across the Asia Pacific region; focusing on where wars involving WMD might begin, while examining how asymmetric force structures and future proliferation may increase the risk of using WMD, especially nuclear weapons, in each conflict. We also assess how the risk of wars involving WMD in the region might be reduced or even eliminated.

A Looming Strategic Arms Race in the Asia-Pacific Region: From a Chinese Perspective
Dr Luo Xi assesses nuclear competition, arms control and future relations between the United States, Russia and China strategic triangle.

Is Nuclear Domino in Northeast Asia Real and Inevitable?
In light of the DPRK’s resumed nuclear and missile activities, Professor Chung-in Moon probes the likelihood of South Korea and Japan acquiring nuclear weapons.

India-Pakistan Nuclear Dynamics
New special report by APLN member and former Indian Ambassador, Rakesh Sood, examines the India-Pakistan nuclear relationship by analysing the crises between the two states, the origins of the ...

Nuclear Command, Control and Communications (NC3) in Asia Pacific
Dr. Peter Hayes examines the NC3 systems of six nuclear-armed states so analysts and decisionmakers can better understand how these systems work and interact.

Status of Existing and Emerging Asia-Pacific Space Powers Capabilities
A new report by Dr. Namrata Goswami assesses the space power capabilities across the Asia-Pacific and warns of the increasing militarization of space.

APLN and Global Asia: Fragile Security and Weapons Threats in the Asia-Pacific
A new special issue of the Global Asia journal features nine short essays as part of an APLN initiative evaluating WMD threats in the Asia-Pacific region.

APLN on Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) in the Asia Pacific
An APLN project assessing key features of WMD infrastructure, force structures, capabilities, envisioned uses and solutions across the Asia-Pacific.