The New Internationalism
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The New Internationalism


APLN member C. Raja Mohan wrote for The Indian Express on Rahul Gandhi’s visit to the US, highlighting how political parties across the spectrum are expanding their outreach and building bridges with diasporas.

Rahul Gandhi’s visit to the US next week presents a long-term opportunity and a short-term challenge for the Congress Party. As the party regains ground in India, there is now growing global interest in the persona of India’s Leader of Opposition, as well as his economic vision and worldview.

Rahul Gandhi is scheduled to address an Indian community event in Dallas, Texas, and meet a wide range of actors in Washington next week. His latest trip to the US follows his travels in America, Britain, and Europe last year and suggests that the Congress is eager to rebuild its global links, including with the diaspora. The visit also raises tricky questions about Rahul Gandhi taking his sharp critique at home of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the BJP government to foreign soil. The PM is set to visit the US two weeks after Rahul Gandhi and both leaders are scheduled to address the Indian diaspora.

The original article can be accessed here.

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