Member Activities

    Engaging China in Arms Control

    Engaging China in Arms Control

    2 Mar 2022 | AKIYAMA Nobumasa and Tong ZHAO

    CARNEGIE - China is dramatically enhancing its nuclear arsenal and military capabilities. We invite you to a two-part discussion of this challenge on March 8, from 19:00 to 20:30 EST.

    Standing against Putin’s Imperialist Project

    Standing against Putin’s Imperialist Project

    1 Mar 2022 | C. Raja MOHAN

    INDIAN EXPRESS - APLN member C. Raja Mohan writes: As Europe unites against the Russian president’s aggression, India must realise that Putin and Russia are not the same.

    Russia’s Friends Are Finding It Harder to Look the Other Way

    Russia’s Friends Are Finding It Harder to Look the Other Way

    28 Feb 2022 | Shyam SARAN

    THE INDIAN EXPRESS - APLN member Shyam Saran argues that those who remained ambiguous in their reactions to the Russian invasion seem to be changing their stand so as not to be stranded on the wrong ...

    Putin may be Executing the NATO Playbook from 1999, not Hitler’s from the 1930s

    Putin may be Executing the NATO Playbook from 1999, not Hitler’s from the 1930s

    26 Feb 2022 | Ramesh THAKUR

    TODA PEACE INSTITUTE - APLN member Ramesh Thakur writes: Russian aggression in Ukraine proves that ‘force is a permanent feature of international relations.’

    Putin’s Moves Are Hardly ‘Chess Thumping’

    Putin’s Moves Are Hardly ‘Chess Thumping’

    26 Feb 2022 | Rakesh SOOD

    THE HINDU - APLN member Rakesh Sood argues that Putin's actions this week may yield tactical gains, but hardly pass the test for strategic victory.

    How Ukraine Fits into China’s Long Game

    How Ukraine Fits into China’s Long Game

    25 Feb 2022 | Kevin RUDD

    AUSTRALIAN FINANCIAL REVIEW - APLN member Kevin Rudd points out that for the first time since the 1960s, China has directly supported Russian security interests in Europe.

    Three Is a Crowd

    Three Is a Crowd

    24 Feb 2022 | Shyam SARAN

    THE TRIBUNE - APLN member Shyam Saran writes: US did a China on the Soviet Union in 1972; now, China is doing a Russia on America.

    Assessing China’s Response to Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

    Assessing China’s Response to Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

    24 Feb 2022 | Kevin RUDD

    ASIA SOCIETY POLICY INSTITUTE - APLN member Kevin Rudd argues that in its diplomatic rhetoric, Beijing has, so far, tried to avoid the appearance of having definitively taken a side in the conflict.

    WPL Urges for Immediate Ceasefire in Ukraine and Peace Dialogue

    WPL Urges for Immediate Ceasefire in Ukraine and Peace Dialogue

    24 Feb 2022 | Helen CLARK

    WPL - Appealing to the leaders of Iceland to offer an invitation to the President of Russia and the President of the United States to come to Reykjavík and meet in order to stabilize world peace.

    Europe’s Role in Promoting US-China Arms Control Cooperation

    Europe’s Role in Promoting US-China Arms Control Cooperation

    23 Feb 2022 | Tong ZHAO

    HCSS - APLN member Tong Zhao discusses the influence of European states and how they could potentially play a useful role in promoting US-China arms control cooperation.

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