Member Activities

    India’s Latest Concerns With the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

    India’s Latest Concerns With the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

    9 Aug 2022 | Rajeswari Pillai RAJAGOPALAN

    THE DIPLOMAT - APLN member Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan argued that India has raised objections to the possibility of China and Pakistan involving third countries in the CPEC.

    India, Bangladesh, Pakistan: What East Can Teach West

    India, Bangladesh, Pakistan: What East Can Teach West

    9 Aug 2022 | C. Raja MOHAN

    THE INDIAN EXPRESS - APLN member C Raja Mohan writes: Good news from India's eastern frontier with Bangladesh raises hope: it should not be impossible to normalise the western frontier with Pakistan.

    AUKUS Submarine Deal Could Open ‘A Pandora’s Box’ of Unintended Consequences

    AUKUS Submarine Deal Could Open ‘A Pandora’s Box’ of Unintended Consequences

    8 Aug 2022 | Ramesh THAKUR

    SKY NEWS AUSTRALIA - APLN member Ramesh Thakur writes: Critics of AUKUS submarine ambitions are worried the deal will lead to more problematic countries acquiring weapons-grade nuclear technology.

    An Increased Risk of Nuclear War?

    An Increased Risk of Nuclear War?

    6 Aug 2022 | AKIYAMA Nobumasa

    GLOBAL AGENDA - APLN senior associate fellow Nobumasa Akiyama appeared on NHK to discuss how the world should face up to Russia's nuclear threats in the war against Ukraine.

    Reducing the Risk of a Nuclear War

    Reducing the Risk of a Nuclear War

    4 Aug 2022 | C Uday BHASKAR

    THE HINDUSTAN TIMES - APLN member C. Uday Bhaskar argued that the nuclear powers must reassert the "sanctity of deterrence" to avoid nuclear catastrophe.

    World War 3? | The Citizen On The Record

    World War 3? | The Citizen On The Record

    4 Aug 2022 | Shyam SARAN

    THE CITIZEN CHANNEL - APLN member Shyam Saran was interviewed recently by Seema Mustafa of the Citizen channel on the current international situation.

    New Nuclear Troubles in Southern Asia?

    New Nuclear Troubles in Southern Asia?

    4 Aug 2022 | Tong ZHAO and Rakesh SOOD

    CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE - APLN members Tong Zhao and Rakesh Sood will speak at the Carnegie event and make comments about new nuclear troubles in Southern Asia.

    Taiwan between Giants

    Taiwan between Giants

    4 Aug 2022 | Shyam SARAN

    THE INDIAN EXPRESS - APLN member Shyam Saran writes about the US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan.

    Japan’s Nuclear Choices After Ukraine

    Japan’s Nuclear Choices After Ukraine

    3 Aug 2022 | OTA Masakatsu

    TODA INSTITUTE - APLN member Masakatsu Ota discussed the status of Japan’s commitment to the three non-nuclear principles and alternative approaches to upholding the peace constitution.

    China-India Relations in a State of Limbo

    China-India Relations in a State of Limbo

    2 Aug 2022 | Rajeswari Pillai RAJAGOPALAN

    THE DIPLOMAT - APLN member Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan wrote for The Diplomat on Beijing’s statements on China-India relations.

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