The Asia-Pacific Leadership Network for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (APLN) has over one hundred members from eighteen countries across Asia and the Pacific, consisting of former political, diplomatic and military leaders, senior government officials, and scholars and opinion leaders. APLN aims to inform and energize public opinion, especially high-level policymakers, to take seriously the very real threats posed by nuclear weapons, and to do everything possible to achieve a world in which they are contained, diminished and eventually eliminated.

Dionisio Da Costa Babo SOARES
Former Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste.
H.E. Dr. Dionisio da Costa Babo Soares is the former Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste.
H.E. Dr. Dionisio da Costa Babo Soares is the seventh Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, in the new Executive body of Timor-Leste’s Coalition Government. Prior to this position, Dr. Babo Soares held several senior member positions in the previous governments such as the Minister for Justice, Minister for State Administration, Coordinating Minister for State Administration, and Minister for Justice, as well as serving as Member of the Defence and Security Superior Council.
Born in 1966 in Ermera municipality, East Timor, Dr. Babo Soares, commenced his University studies from 1986 to 1990 at the University of Udayana-Denpasar, Bali, where he successfully acquired his first Degree in Constitutional Law.
Dr. Babo Soares also holds an MA Degree in Philosophy and Development Studies from Massey University (1993-1995) and a PhD in Anthropology from the Australian National University, ANU (2003). He was professionally engaged with universities and other socio-political organisations in Timor-Leste prior to independence. After the independence of Timor-Leste he wrote extensively on Timor-Leste, as well as actively led and occupied many highly privileged socio-political and legal positions in Timor-Leste’s government, including co-chairman of the Indonesia – Timor-Leste Commission of Truth and Friendship (Portuguese Acronym as CVA). Dr. Babo Soares was a lecturer at the National University of Timor-Leste (1992-2010). He was also the first Dean of post-graduate studies at the University of Peace (UNPAZ) from 2008 to 2015.
Dr. Babo Soares was a founding member of CNRT (Congresso Nacional de Reconstrucao de Timor) Party, one of the major political parties in Timor-Leste, led by former freedom fighter Dr. Xanana Gusmao. He was later elected as Secretary-General of the Party (2007-2017). He is the current President of the National Directive Council (CDN) of the party.
Besides executive positions, Dr. Soares was also previously selected (2004-2005) as Member of Timor-Leste’s Superior/Supreme Council of Defense and Security and again re-selected as a member for the same State body for two consecutive terms from 2012-2017 and 2018-2023.
In June 2018, Dr. Babo Soares, was elected by the ruling coalition AMP (Alianca para Mudança e Progresso) to lead the portfolio of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Timor-Leste for the period of 2018-2023 in the new Executive led by Prime Minister H. E. Taur Matan Ruak.
As a polyglot, he is fluent in Portuguese, English, Malay/Indonesian, Tetum, and Mambae, among others, and is married with three children.