The Asia-Pacific Leadership Network for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (APLN) has over one hundred members from eighteen countries across Asia and the Pacific, consisting of former political, diplomatic and military leaders, senior government officials, and scholars and opinion leaders. APLN aims to inform and energize public opinion, especially high-level policymakers, to take seriously the very real threats posed by nuclear weapons, and to do everything possible to achieve a world in which they are contained, diminished and eventually eliminated.

Larissa WATERS
Member of the Australian Greens and Senator for Queensland.
Larissa Waters is the first Greens Senator for Queensland and is the Greens Leader in the Senate of the Australian Greens.
Larissa Waters is the first Greens Senator for Queensland and is the Greens Leader in the Senate of the Australian Greens. She took office in July 2011 and is the Federal spokesperson on Women and Democracy.
Senator Waters is an environmental lawyer who worked in the community sector for 9 years advising people how to use the law to protect the environment. She was named Australian Young Environmental Lawyer of the Year 2010 by the Law Council of Australia.
She is passionate about representative democracy and public participation, accountability in government, equality for women, and protecting our environment. As Leader of the Greens in the Senate she is working to improve federal laws to put an end to domestic and family violence, promote gender equality and empowerment of women and girls, transition to renewable energy sources, and clean up politics by ending corporate donations to political parties which buy favours for the big end of town.