APLN statements are published in response to significant events relevant to global nuclear diplomacy.

Global Leaders Call for Successful Nuclear NPT 2015 Review Conference
With near universal membership, the NPT remains the indispensable central pillar of a norm-based global nuclear order, aimed at preventing the spread and use of nuclear weapons.

CNND Report – Nuclear Weapons: The State of Play 2015
Overwhelmingly, the story has been one of paralysis, minimal forward movement, and significant backsliding.

Jakarta Declaration on Nuclear Weapons
The Jakarta Declaration on Nuclear Weapons calls for immediate, realistically achievable confidence-building steps towards disarmament by each of the nuclear-armed states in the region.

Asia Pacific Nuclear Energy Community Proposed to Strengthen Civil Nuclear Governance
An Asia Pacific nuclear energy community could facilitate high-level consultation on nuclear plans and programs, as well as ensure transparency and build confidence in nuclear programs in the region.

Asia Pacific Leaders Deplore Loss of Political Will on Disarmament
"The nuclear-armed states – led by the U.S. and Russia, who between them possess 95 per cent of the world‟s nuclear weapons – must get serious about their disarmament commitments."

Statement on Transparency
Transparency is fundamental to building confidence and trust. Whatever processes it involves, transparency lies at the heart of every confidence and security building measure ever devised.

Statement on Nuclear Security
The international interest for national activities to be managed effectively is indisputable. This is just as true for nuclear security as it is for nuclear safety.

Media Release - Asia Pacific Leaders Call for Nuclear Disarmament
Over thirty leaders from fourteen Asia Pacific countries have signed a joint statement strongly supporting a nuclear weapons free world, and calling on policymakers to “get serious."

Inaugural Statement
We have joined together to support a nuclear weapons free world, believing that these weapons pose an existential threat to all nations and peoples.

New Asia Pacific Leadership group to work for nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament
The launch was announced today of a new group called the 'APLN,' comprising leaders from thirteen countries around the region, including nuclear weapons possessing states.