Maritime Incidents and Escalation in the Asia-Pacific
The Maritime Incidents and Escalation in Asia-Pacific project seeks to identify the risks of dangerous maritime incidents in the Asia-Pacific; evaluate the suitability of existing existing bilateral and multilateral arrangements to current strategic realities in the Asia-Pacific; bring forward new proposals to fill important gaps; and help promote effective mechanism for managing and mitigating incidents and escalation at sea. The project is a collaboration with the Verification Research, Training and Information Centre(VERTIC) and is supported by the United States Department of State.

Crisis Avoidance: Preventing Dangerous Maritime Incidents and Unintended Escalation in ...
An APLN-VERTIC feasibility study report summarising the findings of the joint project and discussing confidence and security building options for the future.

Confidence Building Measures in the Maritime Domain in Northeast Asia: An Analysis of ...
Kyoko Hatakeyama examines the Maritime and Air Communication Mechanism (MACM) between China and Japan as a maritime CBM in Northeast Asia.

Confidence and Security Building Measures in Southeast Asia's Maritime Domain
Collin Koh’s report surveys the effectiveness of multilateral CSBMs in the Southeast Asian maritime domain.

Assessing Military and Non-Military Incidents at Sea in the Asia-Pacific
Rebecca (Bec) Strating reviews and analyses incidents involving military and non-military vessels in Asia's maritime domains concentrated on the oceans and seas.