What the Third Nuclear Age Means for Southeast Asia
Weekly Newsletters

What the Third Nuclear Age Means for Southeast Asia



17 May 2024

This week at APLN, Andrew Futter and Felicia Yuwono discuss what the Third Nuclear Age means for Southeast Asia and we announce our upcoming report launch on How the Asia-Pacific Perceives Strategic Risks.

We also share recent activities from our network, including analysis on South Korea’s relationship with Russia, India’s Cold War-era strategic posture, the concept of “progressive realism,” and more. 

In this commentary, Andrew Futter and Felicia Yuwono share insights on what moving into the “Third Nuclear Age” means for Southeast Asia. They describe previous nuclear ages as being characterised by a Western nuclear ethnocentrism, in which the global nuclear order was largely viewed through Western security narratives. Now, as the nuclear debate is being transformed by rapid technological change and a new geopolitical competition, Futter and Yuwono discuss Southeast Asia’s ambitions and why it’s important to take this region into account when considering the nuclear future. 

Read the commentary

Online only | Wednesday, May 29 from 5:00pm to 6:15pm

Join APLN and the European Leadership Network for the launch of our new report exploring how Australia, Japan, South Korea, and the UK perceive strategic risks in the Asia-Pacific: where they overlap, where they diverge, and how to coordinate policy approaches among these stakeholders. The event will include a presentation on the report and its policy recommendations, followed by a discussion with a panel of experts. The report is forthcoming.


Abe Nobuyasu
Senior Advisor, Council on Strategic Risks

Jina Kim
Dean of the Language and Diplomacy Division, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

Rishi Paul
Senior Policy Fellow, European Leadership Network

Joel Petersson-Ivre
Policy Fellow, Asia-Pacific Leadership Network

Maria Rost Rublee
Professor of International Relations, University of Melbourne

Shatabhisha Shetty, moderator
Director, Asia-Pacific Leadership Network

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In a recent publication for our project on Asia-Pacific Strategic RisksNobumasa Akiyama assesses Japanese perceptions of strategic risks in East Asia and recommends how Japan can create a regional security cooperation network to prevent crisis escalation.

Akiyama says that Japan is planning for three major external security risks and contingencies: China’s activities in the East and South China Seas, a Taiwan Strait contingency, and conflict on the Korean Peninsula.

Read the report

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Will Seoul’s Ties With Moscow Really Recover on Their Own?

Chung-in Moon, APLN Vice Chair, writes in his opinion column for The Hankyoreh that the decay of inter-Korean relations and US-Russia relations has become a major obstacle in Seoul’s relationship with Moscow, and there is little chance of a turnaround in either of those relationships. 

The Transformation of India’s Space Policy: From Space for Development to the Pursuit of Security and Prestige

Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan, Director of the Centre for Security, Strategy & Technology (CSST) at the Observer Research Foundation, co-writes a paper with Dimitrios Stroikos on the transformation of India’s space policy from a focus on space for development to the pursuit of security and prestige.

India’s Doctrine During the Cold War

Frank O’Donnell, APLN Senior Research Adviser and Nonresident Fellow in the Stimson Center South Asia Program, describes how India’s strategic posture evolved during the Cold War era.

The Contradictions of “Progressive Realism,” and How to Overcome Them

Van Jackson, APLN Senior Research Adviser and Senior Lecturer in International Relations at Victoria University of Wellington, comments on Labour MP David Lammy’s recent piece in Foreign Affairs, highlights the contradictions of “progressive realism”, and elaborates on how to overcome them. 

미리보는 제19회 제주포럼 | 역사 속에서 평화를 보다

Eunjung Lim, Associate Professor of the Division of International Studies at Kongju National University (KNU), was featured in a video created by the Jeju Forum, where she discussed the overall international situation with Ambassador Ko Yun Ju and Professor Park Jae Jeok. [This video is in Korean.]

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