On the UNSC 1540, Tensions on the Taiwan Strait, and Nuclear Risks in Asia
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On the UNSC 1540, Tensions on the Taiwan Strait, and Nuclear Risks in Asia


April 23, 2021

Dear Network Members and Colleagues,

We would like to share with you the latest APLN commentary, Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004): Significance and Gaps by Professor Masahiko Asada of International Law at the Kyoto University Graduate School of Law.

On 28 April 2004, the UN Security Council unanimously voted to adopt Resolution 1540, a measure aimed at preventing non-state actors from acquiring nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, their means of delivery, and related materials. The resolution filled a gap in international law by addressing the risk that terrorists might obtain, proliferate, or use weapons of mass destruction.

With committee reviews having been delayed due to COVID-19, Professor Asada assesses the significance and relevance of Resolution 1540 ahead of the renewal of the committee’s mandate on 25 April 2021.



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APLN in The Korea Times

On 15 April, Yun Sun, Senior Fellow and Co-Director of the East Asia Program and Director of the China Program at the Stimson Center, wrote for APLN in The Korea Times. In “Is War over Taiwan Imminent?”, Yun Sun weighs the plausibility of different options as tensions over the Taiwan Strait rise.

Yun Sun argues that a delicate balance of power and varying intentions and assumptions make peace over the Taiwan Strait precarious. She elaborates that while China may not use military force now, there are ongoing debates within China on using American hesitation and its “strategic ambiguity” position to take action on Taiwan sooner rather than later, signalling future shifts in China’s Taiwan policy.



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Network Members’ Activities
Three Puzzles in South Korean Diplomacy Discourse
On 19 April, APLN Vice-Chair and Professor Chung-in Moon wrote for the Hankyoreh on the importance of keeping a strong alliance with the United States and maintaining a strategic partnership with China. Professor Moon highlights contested arguments made by various media sources, and emphasizes the importance of a more focused approach toward cooperation and diplomacy from countries involved. Read moreU.S. Alliance, South Korean Foreign Policy, and the Quad
On 19 April, Professor Chung-in Moon was interviewed by Arirang News on the US-South Korea alliance and South Korean participation in the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad). Professor Moon states that simultaneous to the diplomatic alliances with the US, a strategic partnership with China should be maintained. Watch interviewNuclear Risks in Asia
On 30 March, APLN members Dr. Manpreet Sethi and former Indian Ambassador Rakesh Sood participated in a roundtable with the Council for Strategic and Defense Research. Dr. Sethi and Ambassador Sood alongside other participants discuss shifts in the nuclear balance in Southern Asia, the implications of worsening India-China relations on the India-Pakistan dyad, and more. Watch roundtable



















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