Balancing Security and Development
Weekly Newsletters

Balancing Security and Development



25 March 2025

This week, Shao Yuqun examines China’s view of regional stability and suggests how it can improve its role as a provider of stability in the Asia-Pacific. Kim Won-soo underscores the need for renewed leadership by the N-5 and collaboration with umbrella states to advance global disarmament efforts. Kazuko Ito analyses Japan’s decision not to join the TPNW Third Meeting of States Parties and urges Japan to reconsider its diplomatic strategy. Additionally, we share an update from our Seoul conference for the Asia Dialogue on China-US Relations project.

As always, we highlight recent activities from our network, including analysis on China’s evolving nuclear posture, nuclear deterrence strategies, Trump’s remarks on denuclearisation, and more.

China as a Provider of Regional Stability in the Asia-Pacific: Balancing Security and Development

Shao Yuqun explains that China sees stability in the Asia-Pacific as critical to its national interests and hence adopts a proactive strategy to maintain peace in the face of US-China competition and regional security challenges. She offers four recommendations for China to strengthen its role as a stabilising force in the region: avoiding over-securitisation, enhancing strategic communication with regional neighbours, continuing to support ASEAN-led multilateral mechanisms, and de-limiting the competitive aspects of US-China relations.

Read the special report

Nuclear Arms Control Architecture on Life Support

Kim Won-soo warns of rising nuclear risks amid geopolitical tensions and urges the five nuclear-weapon states (N-5), umbrella states, and civil society to take immediate steps to rebuild trust and bolster the global nuclear disarmament and arms control framework ahead of 2026, as the NPT regime faces a critical juncture and the New START treaty approaches expiration.

Read the commentary

Hibakusha’s Call: Japan and the TPNW

Kazuko Ito argues that Japan, as the only country to have suffered from nuclear bombing, must take a leading role in nuclear disarmament by joining the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) or at least becoming an observer state. Finding the Japanese government’s decision to not participate in the Third Meeting of States Parties unconvincing, she calls on Japan to align with the moral stance of hibakusha and adopt a diplomatic strategy toward the abolition of nuclear weapons.

Read the Korea Times column

On 20-21 March, APLN hosted a conference in Seoul as part of its project on Asia Dialogue on China-US Relations and its implications for regional stability. Twenty-five experts discussed the differing conceptions of multipolarity, the role of minilateral arrangements among regional states, and how states exercise agency to advance their interests, and influence the behaviour of China and the United States.

Learn more about the project

APLN has over 160 members from 22 countries in the Asia-Pacific.
Each week we feature their latest contributions
to global and regional security debates.

See all member activities


Better Know a Nuke: China

Tong Zhao, Senior Fellow at the Nuclear Policy Program of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, discussed how China’s evolving nuclear posture and expanding arsenal impact global security on a podcast from the International Institute for Strategic Studies’ The Arms Control Poseur.

Nuclear Deterrence Strategy by Dr. Manpreet Sethi 

Manpreet Sethi, APLN Acting Director, was featured on the Puliyabaazi Hindi Podcast, where she shared her thoughts on a range of nuclear issues facing India and the world in conversational Hindustani. She discussed whether the NPT remains effective in today’s world order, India and China’s Vishwaguru stance, the implications of the Doomsday Clock announcement, and whether a nuclear weapons-free world is possible.

China’s Military Spending Rises Should Prompt Regional Budget Responses

Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan, Resident Senior Fellow at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), observed that China’s rapidly increasing defence budget reflects its expanding military ambitions and heightened geopolitical assertiveness. She argued that regional countries must increase their defence spending to counterbalance China’s growing military power and deter further aggression.

The Korean Peninsula and Trump’s ‘Copernican Moment’ on Denuclearization

Cheong Wook-sik, Director of the Hankyoreh Peace Institute and Director of the Peace Network, commented that Trump’s recent remarks on denuclearisation appear to denote a sea change in Washington’s stance on nuclear weapons, presenting both challenges and opportunities for South and North Korea.

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