Weekly Newsletters: A Closer Look at the Washington Declaration

A Closer Look at the Washington Declaration
Weekly Newsletters

A Closer Look at the Washington Declaration



10 May 2023

This week, Peter Hayes and Jina Kim offer their perspectives on the US-ROK Washington Declaration, we share the Korean and Japanese translations of the papers from our joint project on Asia Pacific Strategic Risks, as well as member activities.

Allan Gyngell (1947-2023)

We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of one of our senior network members, Allan Gyngell, a highly regarded and deeply respected individual, former diplomat, expert, and a hugely significant voice in the foreign policy community in Australia.

The APLN passes its sincere condolences to his family and friends at this time.

Dissecting the Washington Declaration

Peter Hayes, Director of the Nautilus Institute, identifies five elements of the Biden-Yoon Washington Declaration and argues that the United States and South Korea are doing nothing to reduce the risks posed by the DPRK’s nuclear weapons program. He concludes that the United States and its allies are in strategic drift in Northeast Asia, and that the risk of nuclear war is increasing with each day that passes without nuclear arms control dialogues, preventive diplomacy, and nuclear risk reduction measures.
Read the Policy Brief

The Washington Declaration: Old wine in a new bottle?

Jina Kim, professor at Hankuk University, assesses South Korean expectations on the Washington Declaration. She argues that it is still too early to discern whether the establishment of the US-ROK Nuclear Consultative Group will bring the qualitative changes to US extended deterrence that South Koreans are seeking.

Read the Commentary

Read about the project

Through interviews, workshops and discussions with Australian, Japanese, and South Korean experts, project on Asia-Pacific Strategic Risks has sought to assess the impact of emerging strategic risks on the non-proliferation regime in the Asia-Pacific.

APLN will soon release the final project report together with the European Leadership Network.

Meanwhile, three reports on the perception of strategic risks in Australia, Japan, and South Korea are now available in Japanese and Korean.

Emerging strategic risks in the Asia-Pacific and the impact on the nuclear non-proliferation regime


The Australian Perspective – Michael Cohen

日本語 (Japanese)


The Japanese Perspective – Nobumasa Akiyama

日本語 (Japanese)
한국어 (Korean)


The South Korean Perspective – Sang Hyun Lee

日本語 (Japanese)
한국어 (Korean)

APLN has more than 130 members from 20 countries in the Asia-Pacific. Below we feature some of their contributions to security debates in the region and beyond.

The latest APLN member activities can be found on the APLN website.

See all member activities

Whom Does the Shift From Asia-Pacific to Indo-Pacific Serve?

Chung-in Moon, APLN Vice Chair, writes on the shift from Asia-Pacific to Indo-Pacific and points out that most countries are uncritically accepting the transition to the Indo-Pacific without any substantial debate among academics or policymakers about the appropriateness of that transition.

Indian Defense Minister Visits Maldives

Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan, Director of the Centre for Security, Strategy, and Technology, writes on the Indian Defense Minister’s visit to Maldives and argues that increasing Chinese presence in the Indian Ocean region has pushed India to step up its own strategic outreach and proactive engagement. 

Nuclear Weapons May Not Be in Seoul’s Best Interest

Ramesh Thakur, Director of the Centre for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament at the Australian National University, points out that going nuclear would likely hurt rather than enhance South Korea’s global prestige.

The Absurdities of AUKUS

Marianne Hanson, Associate Professor at the School of Political Science and International Studies, University of Queensland, writes on the AUKUS submarine deal. She argues that there is no accountability or reflection about whether these defence decisions are in Australia’s best interest.

ROK-US alliance 3.0 at 70

Kim Won-soo, Chair of the international advisory board of the Taejae Academy, points out that the verdict on the credibility and efficacy of ROK-U.S. Alliance 3.0 will depend on how the alliance responds to these challenges from China and North Korea.

Can South Korea and the US Talk as Friends?

Cheong Wook-Sik, Director of the Hankyoreh Peace Institute, writes on South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol’s remarks on the possibility of lethal weapon aid to Ukraine and argues that if South Korea truly is a friend to the US, it should communicate that a long war is not in the US’ interests.

EU’s Struggle To Find a Unified Stance on China Will Shape the US-China Contest

C. Uday Bhaskar, Director of the Society for Policy Studies (SPS), New Delhi, writes on French President Emmanuel Macron’s visit to China. He says Macron has pushed for strategic autonomy while von der Leyen talks of ‘divide and conquer’ tactics and seeking a ‘distinct European approach’, and all of these reflect the EU’s dilemma in finding an effective China policy.

State Versus Individual

Shyam Saran, Former Indian Foreign Secretary, argues that national security rests on transparency and accountability, because they enable constant review and remedy and early warning about emerging threats and challenges. 



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