Member Activities: The Nuclear Ban Treaty: A Transformational Reframing of the Global Nuclear Order

The Nuclear Ban Treaty: A Transformational Reframing of the Global Nuclear Order
Member Activities

The Nuclear Ban Treaty: A Transformational Reframing of the Global Nuclear Order

A new book, The Nuclear Ban Treaty: A Transformational Reframing of the Global Nuclear Order, has recently been published by Routledge.

Edited by Toda’s Senior Research Fellow and former APLN Co-Convenor, Ramesh Thakur, the essays in this book describe, discuss and evaluate the transformational normative reframing of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, or Ban Treaty. The book takes readers on a journey through the genesis and negotiation history of the treaty and the humanitarian initiative behind it, to the possible trajectories and shape of the emerging normative architecture of the global nuclear order.

The thirty-three chapters are drawn from previously published Toda Institute Policy Briefs and Global Outlook articles from leading academics, policy makers, think tanks and diplomats from around the globe, drawn together with an Introduction and Conclusion by Ramesh Thakur. Other APLN-associated authors in the edited collection include: John Carlson, Tanya Ogilvie-White, Manpreet Sethi, and Rakesh Sood.

Toda Peace Institute Director, Professor Kevin Clements, is delighted to announce this timely publication.

“With the first meeting of States Parties to the Treaty due to be held in 2022 and the continuing existential threat of nuclear weapons in the world, the publication of this book could not be more important in the current geopolitical environment.”

This volume is a vital guide to the Ban Treaty for students of nuclear disarmament, arms control and diplomacy as well as for policymakers in those fields.

The book can be ordered now from Routledge in hardback, paperback and ebook formats.