International Security and Nuclear Weapons in the Flux of Global Security Dynamics
Member Activities

International Security and Nuclear Weapons in the Flux of Global Security Dynamics


On June 16, APLN members Hidehiko Yuzaki, Nobumasa Akiyama and Manpreet Sethi will participate in panel discussions and discuss the complexity and interactivity of regional security and the influence of nuclear weapons on both regional and global scales.

Join us to explore the current global security dynamics and examine the role of nuclear weapons from various regional perspectives. The landscape of global security is undergoing significant transformation. Amid the multi-polarized and devided world, disruptions affect regional securities which in turn have global implications and add complexity to global
security. In response to various security concerns, nuclear-armed states and their allies increase reliance on nuclear

Click here to learn more about this event. RSVP for online participants.

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