APLN Welcomes Inaugural Summit Between USA and DPRK

APLN Welcomes Inaugural Summit Between USA and DPRK

APLN Welcomes Inaugural Summit between USA and DPRK: A Bold Step to Reduce Nuclear Threats in Northeast Asia

The Co-Convenors of the Asia-Pacific Leadership Network for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (APLN) have welcomed the 12 June summit between US President Donald Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un of the DPRK. The summit was bold and visionary, and an essential and highly promising contribution to the complex process of reducing nuclear threats in Northeast Asia and strengthening the security of all countries in the region. It will help to maintain the momentum of the remarkable relaxation of tensions since the threats and counter-threats of last year.

The Singapore summit was built on the 27 April North–South Korea summit between Chairman Kim and President Moon Jae-in which resulted in the ground breaking Panmunjeom Declaration. That Declaration foreshadowed steps to lessen tensions on the Korean Peninsula, a resumption of previously agreed cooperation between North and South and a restatement of the commitment to work for a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula.

The momentum for progress in addressing nuclear threats in the region has been enhanced also by the supporting roles of other regional powers, China, Russia and Japan, all of which have vital interests at stake and whose active support will be essential for a negotiated denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and the establishment of a peace regime. We call on all those countries to engage in the closest collaboration to maintain the momentum towards a negotiated settlement of the outstanding nuclear and other issues that have plagued the region for far too long.

The benefits of an end to nuclear threats on the Korean Peninsula will extend to the entire Asia Pacific and beyond. We therefore urge all our Asia Pacific partner countries to extend diplomatic and practical assistance to the processes of denuclearization and other aspects of normalization of security, social and economic relations in the region.

Over the years the APLN has been closely monitoring the deepening nuclear security crisis in Northeast Asia, and has highlighted the risks and offered policy options to reduce and eliminate those risks. It has also issued statements in the past to call for measures to reduce those tensions. These are documented at the APLN website http://www.a-pln.org/. Civil society can support the efforts of all parties to engage in dialogue and avoid confrontation through contributing to the tasks of confidence building, verification of denuclearization and normalization of regional relations. APLN looks forward to helping to meet these new challenges.

Gareth Evans, APLN Chair

Chung-in Moon, APLN Vice Chair and Executive Director

June 14, 2018


Image: iStock, JPLDesigns.